Keynote Google

Published on by Paloma SIGGINI - updated on

Thursday 9 March 03:00pm > 03:45pm

Innovate with Google 

Gmail, Android, YouTube, Chrome... Google now has 8 products with more than one billion active users worldwide. And this is only one step as innovation continues to drive the company. Today, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data are at the heart of the solutions available to all to innovate and to respond to the challenges of digital transformation. We will see through several examples how these technologies will revolutionize the digital universe of companies.


Michael WYATT, Google, Head of EMEA, Android & Chrome Enterprise

The Keynote will be held in English.


Review of Google Keynote : 

Everything is moving so fast: technologies and innovations change at top speed, to the point that it’s almost scary. That’s how Michael Wyatt, Head of Mobile Platforms, Enterprise, EMEA at Google opened the closing keynote at ROOMn. The digital transformation is having a strong impact on business. Bit by bit, individual productivity and IT’s silo organisation of the 2010s have given way to collaborative work and cloud computing.
Google is a major player in this new environment, with eight products totalling over one billion users. It all started with its search engine that grew from three million to three billion users in a few short years.
But this is just the beginning. Google is already looking to a future based on big data and artificial intelligence, a source of new opportunities and the synonym of profound changes in working methods. Google is innovating through its infrastructures and its Cloud Computing services, offering its customers more than just tools, but entire technological environments (like the self-driving car) that are secure, connected and adaptable.

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