The event

ROOMn, the unmissable business meeting that brings together for 3 days 700 participants involved in the mobility and digital transformation of companies.

"Transformation also means breaking down the borders between internal and external communication tools"

Published on by Paloma SIGGINI - updated on

This will be Newmanity's first time at ROOMn. The start-up's Chief Operating Officer, Roxane Julien, considers the importance of a high-quality working environment for a successful digital transformation. 

Roxane Julien
The digital transformation implies new ways of working in house. But are collaborative relationships sufficiently fluid today? 

Not yet. We find that there is a lack of fluidity in the relationships. The collaborative environment has evolved considerably with the new ways of working. Company employees can work inhouse, work mobile or telecomute. But there are also more and more freelancers, external service providers, and so on. So, we need tools to manage this patchwork and break down the borders between internal and external communication tools. People have got used to instant messaging and they want all their communications to have this same fluidity. 

What does Newmanity propose to homogenize this "jungle"? 

We start from the principle that e-mail as it exists is bound to disappear because it creates stress, demands a lot of time (just think of when you check your e-mail after a vacation) and creates a distance between people due to the very formal tone used. Still, everyone has an e-mail account. It has become an identifier. So, we have created a group chat where everyone can create a conversation with anyone using their e-mail address. If the person has an account with us, they receive the message in the app, otherwise, they receive the message in their mail box. We call it "mail in chat". It is a true change of use. Users can chat with colleagues in house and with external contacts on a single interface. It responds well to digital workplace issues. For a long time, we had a BtoC product that taught us a lot about what people need, and this was key in developing the BtoB product we’re presenting at ROOMn. We address the user before the employee. 

Why participate in ROOMn? 

We were most interested in the One-to-One meetings. The people who attend ROOMn are part of our main target but they aren’t easy to approach at events like trade shows. Our goal was also to have a quality space in which to present our solution. Plus, ROOMn gives us a chance to be present alongside "large" competitors, so, visitors will be able to compare solutions. 

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