The event

ROOMn, the unmissable business meeting that brings together for 3 days 700 participants involved in the mobility and digital transformation of companies.

Entretien avec Pierre JOLY, Co-Fondateur, ERMEO

Published on by Paloma SIGGINI - updated on

Ermeo won the first Digital Challenge organized by Roomn. Pierre Joly, the co-founder of the start-up, revisits this award, which included access to the 2017 edition of Roomn.

Why did you apply to the Digital Challenge?

We knew the reputation of Les Assises de la Sécurité also organized by DG Consultants but this event did not match the profile of our company. When we heard about the Digital Challenge, we saw it as an opportunity to meet experts. This award was timely in our development and communication strategy.

What was ROOMn' impact on Ermeo ?  

Very important. Throughout the event, we were congratulated and the presentation on stage, where we were able to talk about the solution, gave us even more visibility and credibility. ROOMn allowed us to meet prospects and facilitated contact with companies we had already targeted. Moreover, we emphasized this Award to do commercial prospection but also with banks and investment funds. This kind of reward reassures the financiers. Especially since we are in full fundraising (it should be finalized by the end of the year, editor's note)

As a business event, what are your thoughts about ROOMn ? 

C’est vraiment un événement professionnel. J’ai trouvé que le niveau des intervenants dans les conférences et des participants en général était très élevé. C’est assez rare d’avoir ce niveau de qualification, de rencontrer ainsi des décideurs qui ont une vision et peuvent nous dire si nous sommes sur la bonne voie. Nous avons aussi beaucoup aimé les rendez-vous One to One qui permettent d’échanger rapidement ainsi que les soirées qui sont des moments de networking importants.

It is really a BtoB event. I found that the level of speakers in the conferences and participants was very high. It's quite rare to have that level of qualification, to meet with decision makers with a vision and who can also guide us on the right track. We also appreciated the One-to-One meetings that allow quick sharings and evenings that are important moments of networking.

Flashback on #ROOMn2018